Tuesday, April 8, 2014


 Molly, my black lab, came to the golf course with me almost everyday for the last 10 years.  She was healthy and running the golf course this past summer and chasing geese and squirrels as we drove the course each morning.  She had developed a schedule of going out in the morning and then sleeping in the office from mid-morning until it was time to go home for the day.  The last several weeks of her life saw a pretty drastic slow down and we had to have her put to sleep last month.  I got her as a 5-week old puppy and she lived until she was over 12 and i cannot imagine many dogs with a life as good as she had it.  She is missed for sure and I thought if you would bear with me I would share just a few pictures below:

Getting ready for the inaugural VCC Campout on the Par 3 course.

Her photo that was used for the calendar.  Sitting outside the Golf Shop waiting for me in the snow.


December 2012

This isn't molly but it's the cover of the calander she was in
Installing the greens encroachment barrier system

Newer fescue area near #4 tee

Checking out greens mowers in the morning

Checking greens at the end of a long summer

Repairing the leaking pond on #6

Helping with irrigation repairs

Renovation at the irrigation lake

Resodding the driving range tee

Installing the cartpath on #3 on the Par 3 course

Drainage on #3 fairway

Par renovation after a major rain

2012 Golf Maintenance

2011 Golf Maintenance

2010 Golf Maintenance

2009 Golf Maintenance

2008 Golf Maintenance