Friday, July 6, 2012


The Hawks that have made VCC their home over the last few years have had another set of babies hatch.  The two newest juveniles are funny to watch and will get a little too close sometimes trying to figure you out.  I've had one golfer tell me that one of them pulled his ball out of a fairway bunker and placed it in the rough next to the trap.  Here a few photos of the younger siblings.

In tree on #18

On branch on back lesson tee

#1 Tee

on the fence at the Golf Maintenance Building

Beside #8 green

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Trash collector

Each morning our course set-up guys go out and move tee markers, add ball washer fluid, move hole locations, and empty the trash from the cans around the course.  Previously they carried a trash can and put it up front with them or put it in the bed of the work cart and trash spilled everywhere in the back of the cart.  I asked Skip (our golf course mechanic) if he could come up with a way to solve this.  Below is what he came up with.  The can slips over the bed and after the set-up guys are done each morning if can be slipped off and the cart can be used for normal duties.  Good job Skip!

The Greenbrier Classic and Lester George

The golf course architect that Vestavia CC has partnered with to develop a master plan for VCC is Lester George.  Lester did a major renovation at the Greenbrier in 2006 and this weekend the PGA is there for the Greenbrier Classic.   It is a classic architectural golf course and there are several very famous holes at the Greenbrier that Lester is looking to somewhat replicate on our course.

Also, go check out Lester George's website ( or try The Greenbrier Classic's site ( for info on that tournament and/or golf course.